According to the fictious messages tha have been circulating through the internet that it is not possible to create a folder named "CON" on a Microsoft Windows based computer. Not Only CON, the same happens with.. PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9 and more..

The message claims that not even Bill Gates or the whole Microsoft "Team" can explain why this is be so.
Well,. this message is partially true,
  • Yess you cannot create a CON folder using the ordinary way of creating a folder,.. i.e right click desktop=> New=> Folder.........blah blah blah.. error! :P .........its not going to work..
The reason is that con, prn, lpt1..com1 e.t.c, are underlying devices from the time dos was written. therefore if you are allowed to create such folders, there will be an ambiguity in where to write data when the data is supposed to go to the specified devices. In other words, if i want to print something, internally what windows does is -- it will write the data to the folder prn (virtually u can call it a folder, i mean prn, con, etc are virtual folders in device level). So if we are able to create con folder, windows will get confused or rather give an error on where to write the data, to virtual con folder or real one 
  • The other fact is that yes!!! it is 100% possible, you can create a folder named CON on windows based computers


Open the Command prompt by Start -> Run and typing cmd

C:\> md \\.\c:\con

Now, Open My Computer and browse through the path where you created CON folder... successful!!! You will see the folder you have right in drive C

Now, try to delete the folder from My computer
Error!!! You cant delete it using the ordinary way too :P

Now, try this in command prompt console to delete it

C:\> rd \\.\c:\con

Press enter and congratulations.. you have deleted it  :D